Yoga & Meditation Classes

Special Class Offer

FREE Meditation class - Saturday May 4 at 9 am only.

To give you a taste of our regular Saturday morning Meditations for Inner Growth classes - join me for Connect with Spirit Meditation event.

Practice with Us!

All Classes must be reserved ahead of time.

Reserve Susan’s classes online or contact her directly at:
416-571-0447 or
All of Susan’s classes are offered in studio AND online on Zoom.

Reserve Heather’s, Laurie’s, and Gail’s classes by contacting them directly.
Details below.

Susan’s classes are intimate and I feel like I am with family when I join her sessions. She gives us great quality instruction and welcomes and encourages fun among participants.

Susan focuses on much more than yoga poses. She teaches us how to achieve relaxation and quiet down the noise in our heads. I find this very helpful in day to day living. -Les. M.

Classes with Susan:

11 am - Chair Yoga

9 am - Classical Yoga
6 pm - The 5 Tibetans (currently on hold.)
7:30 pm - Classical Yoga (currently on hold.)

11 am - Chair Yoga

9:30 am - Classical Yoga
11 am - Chair Yoga
7 pm - Yoga Nidra with Reiki - Apr 5, 19, May 3, 17, June 7, 21.
7 pm - Awaken & Heal by Changing Thoughts - Apr 26.
7 pm - Awaken & Heal with Meditation - May 24.
7 pm - Awaken & Heal with Visualization - June 28.

9 am - Meditations for Inner Growth

9 am - 1/2 Day Yoga Retreat - May 5.

Private/ Semi-Private Classes available afternoons and early evening.

See details about Transformative Wisdom Course and Awaken & Heal Workshops HERE.

Special Classes with Susan:

deep relaxation with meditation and reiki special class at Pathways to Peace Yoga & Healing yoga studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region


Fridays Apr 5, 19, May 3, 17, June 7, 21
7 - 8:15 pm

Guided squeeze and release of muscles, relaxation meditation, deep mental/ emotional release of holding, opening to receive nourishing, rejuvenating vitality, all to uplift body, mind, and vibration. Bonus, be infused with Reiki energy.


Sun May 5
9 am - noon

Dive deeply into your practice to experience what can’t fit into an hour class. Experience the fullness of breathwork, the potential of postures, the power of japa (mantra), the goodness of restorative poses, and the depths of relaxation with a full 1/2 hour yoga nidra (deep relaxation meditation) practice.

Classes with Laurie, Heather, and Gail

Contact teachers directly for more info about their classes and how to register.

5 pm - Mondays - Gentle Hatha Yoga
7 pm - Thursdays - Yin and Restorative Yoga
10:30 am - Saturdays - Gentle Hatha Yoga
contact Laurie directly:

10 to 11:30 am - Every other Sunday
Mindfulness/Insight Meditation is a practice to develop our natural inclinations towards clarity, calm and compassion.
TO REGISTER contact Gail directly:

10:30 am - Wednesdays - Hatha Yoga
TO REGISTER contact Heather directly:

Payment Options


Three opportunities await you. These apply to Susan’s classes only.

Whether your schedule allows for a yoga class here and there or you want to dive into several classes a week, there is a plan for you.

Payments can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque or online here.


    Classical Yoga, Chair Yoga, The 5 Tibetans, Meditation Classes
    $20 + HST
    $17 + HST, seniors

    Yoga Nidra with Reiki, Restorative Yoga with Reiki
    $25 + HST

    Yoga students of all ages doing chair yoga, standing in tree pose, at Pathways to peace Yoga & Healing, yoga studio, Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region, taught by Susan Ward
  • 4 or 8 CLASS PACKAGE

    Classical Yoga, Chair Yoga, The 5 Tibetans, Meditation Classes

    Excludes Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga classes

    $17 + HST per class
    $15 + HST per class, seniors

    Teacher Susan Ward doing Downward dog yoga pose, Pathways to Peace Yoga & Healing, Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region

    Classical Yoga, Chair Yoga, The 5 Tibetans, Meditation Classes.

    Excludes Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga classes.

    $116 + HST
    $100 + HST, seniors

    warrior 2 yoga pose in yoga class at Pathways to Peace Yoga & Healing, Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region taught by Susan Ward
Student and teacher, Susan Ward, doing warrior 2 yoga pose in private yoga class at Pathways to Peace Yoga and Healing studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region

Private and Semi-Private Yoga Classes

I can custom design a class just for you

Experience yoga or meditation specific to your personal needs, abilities, restrictions and desires, and schedule. We can play with mantras, meditation, mudras, postures, mindfulness, breathing techniques, focus on specific body parts, use postures for specific health conditions and more. The possibilities are endless.

Class Descriptions

Yoga teacher Susan Ward doing warrior 3 yoga pose at Pathways to Peace Yoga and Healing yoga studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region.

Classical Yoga

Practice BEING, focus the mind within, observe the self, perhaps glimpsing the Higher Self and breathe. Class begins with breathing and centering then moves into a Sivananda Sun Salutation followed by a series of traditional postures done in a traditional meditative way. Modifications are always shown for more challenge and/or for body restrictions. Yoga at your own pace and your personal abilities.

Students of all ages doing warrior 1 in chair yoga class at Pathways to peace Yoga and healing yoga studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region

Chair Yoga

Classical Yoga without getting down onto the floor. Class begins with consciously observing the mind and the breath to train the mind to focus within. We play with a modified sun salutation done standing as well as a series of standing postures and modified postures while seated in the chair. We end class with a guided deep relaxation and meditation of peace.

Students doing camel pose in classical yoga class at Pathways to peace Yoga and Healing yoga studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region.

The 5 Tibetans

An intense yogic practice, the 5 Tibetans are 5 yogic exercises designed to awaken the kundalini energies and ignite the chakra system. Each Tibetan is repeated up to 21 times intensely moving in and out of a posture or moving from one posture to another and back again. Gentle stretching and Yoga Nidra finish the class. Feel peaceful, mentally clear and a deep sense of well-being.


Meditations for Awakening

Quiet the mind and experience the natural peace you have within you. Meditations are intuitively guided according to intentions set at the beginning of class. Each class delves into places within that touch our inner wisdom, connect with that deeper aspect of our Being, help to bring greater balance into our bodies, our energies, minds and more. Divine messages are received, aha moments of clarity arise, awakening us. These classes are appropriate for beginners as well as seasoned meditators.


Yoga Nidra with Reiki

Let stress melt away as you are guided into a physical deep relaxation and peace meditation. Yoga Nidra is yogic sleep where the body relaxes so completely it falls asleep even though the mind is still conscious as it drifts into a meditative state. It is said that a half hour of yogic sleep is as if the body has had a several hours of rest. While you float in that state of deep relaxation of mind and body I offer Reiki to each person to help deepen the experience and balance the energies in the body. Wake feeling refreshed!

Students doing a restorative yoga posture in the Restorative Yoga with Reiki class at Pathways to Peace Yoga and Healing yoga studio in Uxbridge, Ontario, Durham Region.

Restorative Yoga with Reiki

BE Bliss itself. Restorative Yoga is done completely supported by cushions and your only job is to fully let go and relax. The body opens and stretches very gently all by itself. This form of yoga is meant to restore and nurture the body, mind and spirit. As you relax in each position Susan imparts Reiki to help balance energies and deepen the experience of rejuvenation.


“Thank you, Susan, for all you do!
You are an amazing Soulful and Healing presence in our lives, and we appreciate you more than words can say.”

— Andrea